(UK Premiere)



Dir: Thomas Aske Berg & Frederik Waldeland. Starring: Thomas Aske Berg, Brigt Skrettingland, Kim Sonderholm. Norway (2017) Norwegian with English Subtitles 82MIN

A word of caution to those of a religious or prudish nature, if you thought Regan with a crucifix was blasphemous, then prepare yourself for THIS interview with a vampire. A folky Norwegian fumble with fangs & fornication, VIDAR might just be the polar opposite of the Twilight saga.

Vidar is a farmer, is a good Christian and is a good son. His life is in a rut and all he wants for is excitement. However, a chance encounter with a vampire who claims to be Jesus may prove to be a little too exciting... Be careful what you pray for. 

Screening with SANG PAPIER (European Premiere)

Dir: Kevin T Landry. Starring: Alexand Fournier. Canada (2017) French with English Subtitles 9MIN

Customs can be a pain at the best of times, let alone when you're a 300 year old Romanian vampire.