SoHoHo Horror Fest Secret Santa Party

Tis the season to give gifts to the ones we love. And I've seen nothing but love from our SohoHorror family throughout this difficult year. Plus who doesn't love receiving a surprise present under the tree?!

What with the social festivities and most Office Parties being shuttered for 2020, we thought we would take it upon ourselves to organise a UK-wide horror filled Secret Santa gift exchange!! £10 maximum spend, anonymous gift exchange, and a live Zoom opening party. 

Here's what to do if you would like to take part:

1) You'll have to put your 'names' in a 'hat' and just answer a couple of questions (below) and email us at With the Heading SECRETSANTA

2) You will be sent another audience members Question Answers - to help guide your imagination for getting a gift (this will also include any allergies); and their Address- so you can post their gift. You will not know the persons identity. 

3) We recommend gifts get posted at latest by the 10th December. 

4) On Saturday 19th December we will host a Zoom party where individuals can open their gifts live on air- even the embarrassing ones! 

Information Needed

Do you have any allergies? _______________________________________________________________

What's your favourite scary movie? _______________________________________________________

Would you consider yourself PG, 15 or 18 certificate? _____________________________________

Naughty or Nice? ________________________________________________________________________

What do you prefer,  Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies or Ghosts? __________________________

What do you prefer,  Scented Candles or Chocolates? _____________________________________

What size t-shirt do you wear? ___________________________________________________________

Whats your address? _____________________________________________________________________