UK Premiere

Screening with LIGHTER and THE LAMB


Dir: Chad Ferrin. Starring: Steve Railsback, Susan Priver, Bai Ling. USA (2021) 90mins

Telephone psychic Clementine Carter is pulled into a complex web of mystery when she receives a call from a serial killer. Predicting his murders before he commits them puts her into a terrifying game of cat and mouse. Enlisting the aid of her invalid father and clairvoyant co-worker, they must use their unique abilities to stay one step ahead of a maniac whose unspeakable acts in the present are nothing compared to his past and future. 

Visceral, grisly and with a pitch perfect tonal capture of the video nasties grit and grain, hold onto your hair for this one... and your scalp. 

Screening with LIGHTER

Dir: Jack N May. Starring: Josh Bowman, Jonathan Heatley, Levi Buckmaster USA (2022) 9mins

Three idiots lose a lighter.


Dir: Elijah Ziegler. Starring: Carter Dodd, Emma Stone. USA (2022) 10mins

While on an awkward first date, timid Charlie tries to maintain his cool with Lucille, an odd and intense young woman who might have some ulterior motives.