Special Preview


SURVIVAL SKILLS (Special Preview)

Dir: Quinn Armstrong. Starring: Stacy Keach, Vayu O'Donnell, Spencer Garrett. USA (2020) 80mins

Do not adjust your tracking, you're just the newest cadet in the Middletown Police Force; but don't worry, Survival Solutions Training video is here to get you started. You'll be joining fresh faced cop Jim, and under the careful guide of a wisened leiutenant, heading out on your first 911 callout. Just remember, keep your gun hollistered as you're here to help *smiles to camera*. 

Quinn Armstrong's startling debut may begin as a note-perfect pastiche of those 80's training VHS, but soon evolves into something far more insidious, apropos and searing. A satirical deconstruction of police conduct and mentality that cuts so close to the bone, you can taste the marrow. 

Screening with LITTLE WILLY (UK Premiere)

Dir: Andrew Bowser. Starring: Adrienne Barbeau, Zach Galligan, Andrew Bowser. USA (2020) 16mins

A washed up child actor, known for the 1980s horror film "Little Willy," makes his living running from convention to convention; but when those fans like the demonic doll you once ran from more than you, it can play hell on your psyche. Starring genre icons Adrienne Barbeau & Zach Galligan, move over Chucky... there's a new killer doll in town.  

and IT CAME FROM THE 80S (UK Premiere)

Dir: Levi Isaacs, Mike Kane, Aaron Ling & Geordey Sherrick. USA (2019) 10mins

Found on VHS for the first time, 3 long-lost horror trailers dug up from the depths of the 80s; coming soon to a Blockbuster near you.