BEFORE THE NIGHT IS OVER (International Premiere)
Dir: Richard Griffin. Starring: Samantha Acampora, Victoria Paradis, Jay Walker, Ronald Martin. USA (2020) 79mins
When Samantha loses her parents in an accident, she is sent to live with her aunt who runs a bordello. Inside she will find not only the passions of those who live there, but also unlock the secrets to a series of violent murders...
Taking the sweaty southern gothic of Tennesse Williams and 70s Euro erotic cinema, and all the queer coding and homoerotic subtext that comes with it, the door to the closet is ripped from it's hinges and the sensuality turned up to 11.
Screening with #GAYBOY2020 (UK Premiere)
Dir: Noah Causey. Starring: Noah Causey, Jeris Dupree, Elan Nelson. USA (2020) 9mins
A Grindr hookup devolves into horror as a hopeless romantic is haunted by his toxic former lover.
Dir: Mary Dauterman. Starring: Sam Taggart, Jenny Donheiser, Nicole Spiezio, Meagan Kensil. USA (2020) 7mins
A male stripper's has an unusual experience on the job.